Kaplan Master Income Fund

The objectives of the Fund is to provide returns in excess of the 1 year swap rate from investment in ASX listed income orientated securities including: hybrid securities, bonds, fixed interest securities, bank shares, property trusts, high yielding industrial shares and buy & write option strategies.

Features (30/06/24)

  • Portfolio running yield1 6.8% (inclusive of franking credits)
  • Volatility 6.3% (since inception)
  • Performance after fees 5.65%pa (1 year swap rate 3.82%pa) (since inception)
  • Fund size $6m
  • Weekly unit price valuation


June, December

Offer document

Kaplan Master Trust Information Memorandum

[1] Portfolio running yield is calculated as the percentage income entitlements from investments including franking credits over the current 12 month period but excludes option premium income.

Neither Kaplan nor any of its directors or employees or associates, guarantee the performance of the Funds, the repayment of capital or any particular rate of return. Any performance figures quoted on this website is past performance which is not an indicator of future performance.

Investment Trusts for Wholesale Investors

Equities Fund
Absolute return focus over the medium to long term

Kaplan Charitable Equities Fund
Consistent income with modest growth

Kaplan Master Income Fund
Consistent income from high yielding securities

Pooled Super Trust (PST)
Absolute return focus over the medium to long term

Discrete Mandates

Portfolios designed to meet individual client requirements.

Read more about Discrete Mandates

Listed Investment Companies (LIC's)

Investment Manager for Ironbark Capital Limited (ASX code IBC)

Read more about LIC's

Latest Bulletins

  • Master Trust half yearly distributions to 30 June 2024 are Equities Fund (3.6416c), Charitable Equities Fund (1.605c), Master Income Fund (2.4241c). Distribution payment date is 19 July 2024.
  • Master Trust (Equities Fund, Charitable Equities Fund, Master Income Fund) annual tax statements for FY24 will be available towards the end of September.
  • An amendment to the Trust Deed for the Kaplan Master Trust was made to allow for eligible funds to apply the tax law applying to attribution managed investment trusts (AMIT). This law is currently applicable to the Equities Fund.
  • Financial Reports for the Kaplan Master Trust funds and Kaplan Pooled Superannuation Trust are available under Investment Reports.
  • The Kaplan Pooled Super Trust (PST) offers investors a tax exempt “Pension Unit”. The new PST PDS and application form is available on our website.
  • The unit registry requires investors to register first before they can "login" for online investor information. If you have not previously registered, simply click "register here" at the bottom of the Investor Login web page and follow the prompts for registration.